Spring is - not in the air, definitely not - but at least in the house. When everything outside is gray and cold, I love to get some color in the form of flowers. I very seldom buy a bouquet, since cut off flowers deteriorate so quickly. But buying bulbs of tulips and miniature daffodils and getting them to bloom inside is fun.
Frühling liegt - nun, nicht in der Luft, bestimmt nicht - aber zum Greifen nah, wenn man diese Blumen sieht. Ich liebe es, mir Farben in Form von Blumen ins Haus zu holen, wenn draußen alles grau in grau und kalt ist. Blumensträuße kaufe ich eher selten, da geschnittene Blumen so verflixt schnell verwelken. Aber Tulpenzwiebeln und Miniturosterglocken zum Blühen zu bringen, das macht richtig Freude.
Hi Angelika and thansk for you comment on my blog! I think we all have to take the risk when we uploads our photo on the internet. But the most people know the rules.and i´ll continue to do so, because all my blogcontactks give me so much iinspiration! And a blog with out pictures is boring, isn´t it ??
I hope you feel well soon. Of course you have been tired after the antibiotica. I have a cold now, and we have to rest more when it is dark and cold, but some nice flower can give us hope about the spring! Take care !!!
Gratulation zum neuen Blog layout- wie haste das denn hinbekommen? Sieht gut aus, frühlingshafter als zuvor, einfach schön!!!!
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