Die Weihnachtsvorbereitungen haben dazu geführt, daß ich meinen Blog sträflich vernachlässigt habe! Allerdings war ich recht fleißig in den letzten Tagen. Neben der Jagd nach den passenden Weihnachtsgeschenken habe ich viele Weihnachtskarten selbst gemacht und etliche Notizbücher mit Collagen versehen, die an Freunde und Arbeitskollegen verschenkt werden. Mir macht es Spaß und die Empfänger freuen sich meist sehr.
Preparing for X-mas led to my having no time for blogging. I have been really busy these days creating X-mas cards and small collages on notebooks that make great presents for friends and colleagues. I love doing these and most of the recipients quite like them, too.
Hi Angelika! lovely to hear from you! I know just what you mean about having a bit of a slow time. The 2008 postcard project was really fun as I made myself produce something/anything every week, the grand opening at the end was awesome. I felt like I'd come such a long way between Jan-Dec. I wish you all the best for 2010! Mx
Gorgeous creations as always Angelika and perfect gifts!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas!
I must tell you, just today, I was holding the heart you made for me. I look at it often hanging near my computer.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Healthy New Year!
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