Das Album war ein voller Erfolg. Mein Vater hat sich riesig gefreut. Besonders erstaunt war er über die vielen alten Photos, die ich noch auftreiben konnte. Er hat es immer wieder in die Hand genommen, und jeder Besucher mußte es bewundern. Ich freue mich wirklich, daß ich ihm diese Überraschung bereiten konnte. Was ihn besonders beeindruckte war sein Konterfei in Andy Warhol-Manier.

The album was a great success, my father was really happy with it. He was quite astonished how many old photos I had managed to unearth. He kept returning to it, and whoever came to visit had to admire it. I am really glad that I was able to make this surprise for him. He was especially fascinated by his Andy Warhol-picture.
Congratulations to your lovely album! I can understand that you father love it!
Such an amazing heart felt gift, I can totally understand him showing it off!
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