My altered book is finished. I managed to sew all four signatures into the original cover, though it was a tight fit. (Small wonder, there were 8 pages more to enclose.)
The inside of the back cover contains the last letter from my mother. She died in February. For Christmas she had stitched a small picture for me and added a personal note. This is contained in the envelope as well as the small wooden angle she had added, which I attached with a linen thread.

I gessoed the outside covers and applied paper from a vintage biology school book as well as some cutouts from a vintage French dictionary. After sewing the signatures in I added some colorful bows from hand dyed silk I bought at Etsy. I added a small looking glass for interest (but you can also decipher the very tiny script from the French dictionary with it).
One day I will give this to my first daughter. It was for her that my mother gave me the story book in the first place. I hope it will become a heirloom.
Now I will have to decide what to make for my second daughter - she should not be left out I think. I have a story book (although not from my mother) that I think I will alter for her.
Nothing for their brother - I think this is a kind of art men are not interested in. At least I come to this conclusion when I see his reactions to this kind of work. Or am I mistaken with this opinion?